Before commencing any remodeling or renovation work on the architectural designs of local homes, approval from The Oaks Architectural Committee (AC) is mandatory to ensure that all modifications align with Deer Valley Guidelines and The Oaks at Deer Valley CC&R’s. Please read the instructions and guidelines on maintenance and exterior improvement projects laid out by THE OAKS at Deer Valley Homeowners Association.
Guidelines for Improving the Architectural Design of Your Home
Guidelines for Improving the Architectural Design of Your Home
Before commencing any remodeling or renovation work on the architectural designs of local homes, approval from The Oaks Architectural Committee (AC) is mandatory to ensure that all modifications align with Deer Valley Guidelines and The Oaks at Deer Valley CC&R. Please read the instructions and guidelines on maintenance and exterior improvement projects laid out by THE OAKS at Deer Valley Homeowners Association.
The Approval Process
Submit Your Exterior Improvement Plans to the HOA
As per The Oaks governing documents, It is necessary to submit all exterior improvement plans to the Architectural Committee for review before starting any projects. These plans should align and blend seamlessly with the natural surroundings, existing structures, and overall landscape.
Architectural Committee & PC Building Department Process
Model HOA will promptly forward all requests to the AC for review and approval. This applies to any exterior improvements and modifications encompassing air conditioners, generators, deck railings, updated roof materials, paint alterations, and landscape projects. The Park City Building Department requires a form from the HOA before granting a permit. Therefore, it is essential to obtain HOA approval before you and your contractor can proceed with the building permit application process in Park City.
Important Note
Avoid unnecessary fines and additional costs by obtaining building permits before starting architectural design projects. The Park City building department has recently halted multiple projects due to a failure to acquire permits. Ensure that your contractors diligently check with the city regarding permit requirements, as the building department conducts regular inspections in the Oaks and Solamere areas.
Contact Us for More Info
For additional details about our exterior architectural design guidelines or with any questions you may have, feel free to reach out to us. We would be happy to address your questions and concerns about the home improvement process in our neighborhood.